Saskatoon Wild Minor Hockey Association Powered by Goalline Sports Administration Software

Wild Hockey 2017-18 Registration about to open!


Get Ready....Registration for the 2017-18 Hockey Season is just around the corner!

Wild Hockey 2017-18 registration about to open!
Hello Wild Hockey families!
Your executive has been hard at work since our AGM to prepare for the upcoming spring registration for the 2017-18 season.
Over the next few days we will be sending out a few short emails to help alleviate issues we have had with the process in the past. Please read them through, or review them on the website - they will be posted thee as well!
2017-18 Registration:
As most of you are aware, there is no longer late registration - you need to register prior to June 30, 2017, for the next hockey season. Any registration after that will incur SMHA (Saskatoon Minor Hockey Association) late fees.
There are several reasons for having registration early; a very important is to provide more time for our SMHA scheduler to figure out how many teams we will field in any given age group, allowing them to get a prototype schedule up sooner. This benefits everyone.
Please be aware - this is an SMHA-wide policy. All zones adhere to it. All zones and SMHA agreed to it several years ago. Every year we field questions about why the Wild instituted this - the short answer is this was not a Wild decision, this was a decision by SMHA that the Wild supported as it has the goal of improving the Delete repeated word of product delivered to our players, something w will always support.
The wild zone uses the goal line and paypal systems to allow you to select either full payment or installment payments, Be aware that when it is time for you to pay your next installment, you will receive an email from paypal requiring you to authorize that payment. DO NOT LOG IN to the Wild website - follow the email instructions. We have had people log in to the wild website, re-register their kids, and incur late fees on their second registration, have to pay multiple second installments, etc.,  and have us deal with multiple registrations of their player - Please read any email you receive fully, follow the directions, and if you have any confusion contact the Wild Executive for clarification.
IF you are trying out for the GSHL, DO NOT PAY ANYTHING. You will need to pay your zone fees to us if your player is released from GSHL tryouts back to the zone. Again, DO NOT PAY.
Players Trying Out for GSHL teams
EVEN if you are a returning player, you need to register with the zone. There have been several players over the years who have not registered with their zones, been released from GSHL and forced to register late in another zone. Take the time to register, DO NOT PAY, and if you remain in the GSHL we will remove you from our list for the year. BUT MAKE SURE YOU REGISTER AND DO NOT PAY! If you come back to the zone we will give you instructions om payment.
Yours in Hockey,
Jason Flaman
Zone X Wild Commisioner

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