Saskatoon Wild Minor Hockey Association Powered by Goalline Sports Administration Software

Crestline Coach SMHA Volunteer of the Year Award


It\'s time to nominate a member of the Wild Zone who is an outstanding Volunteer.

SMHA Volunteer of the Year Award 

2017-18 will see the introduction of a new award.  SMHA is fortunate to have many dedicated volunteers that make the Saskatoon Minor Hockey world go round.  Thank you to all volunteers for making minor hockey in Saskatoon such a great experience for so many kids.
The Crestline Coach SMHA Volunteer of the Year award recognizes a minor hockey volunteer who is not a coach.  The award is directed at adult volunteers who may assist SMHA minor hockey in the following areas:
1) Team Manager;
2) Other team functions – jerseys, treasurer, etc.
3) Zone Executive member;
4) Zone volunteer;
5) A combination of the above or in another volunteer capacity;
SMHA zones, including Comets and GSHL AA city wide programs, will gather nominations from their zone and then submit their zone nominee to the SMHA Awards Committee by March 15th.
The SMHA Awards Committee will review the nominations and select the SMHA Volunteer of the Year.
This award will be presented at the Annual General Meeting of the SMHA in April each year.

SMHA thanks Crestline Coach for their support of this award
To ensure the Zone can get the information in to SMHA on time, please have nominations submitted to the zone by March 5, 2018. 

Send nominations to the Secretary

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