Saskatoon Wild Minor Hockey Association Powered by Goalline Sports Administration Software

SMHA Sportsperson of the Year Award


It\'s time to nominate a person for the SMHA Sportsperson of the Year Award.

SMHA Sportsperson of the Year Award

2017-18 will see the introduction of a new award.

 The SMHA Sportsperson of the Year award recognizes male or female players who are between the ages of 11-17 and play in Peewee, Bantam, and Midget hockey.  The award is for players who contribute the following:
1) Leadership qualities on and off the ice. It might not be an overly verbal leader or an overly physical leader, but someone that respects what his teammates are about and someone who has earned the respect of his teammates;
2) Exhibit sportsmanship and is a team player;
3) Is deemed valuable to his/her hockey team through displaying values such as integrity, passion, teamwork, and courage;
4) A player who has received minimal penalties as well as no suspensions of any kind.
SMHA zones, including Comets and GSHL AA city wide programs, will gather nominations from their respective teams and then submit their zone nominee to the SMHA Awards Committee by March 15th.
The SMHA Awards Committee will review the nominations and select the SMHA Sportsperson of the Year.
This award will be presented at the Annual General Meeting of the SMHA in April each year.
To ensure the Zone can get the information in to SMHA on time, please have nominations submitted to the zone by March 5, 2018. 

Send nominations to the Secretary

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